Monday, August 5, 2013

Congress - Less Popular than Cockroaches for a Reason

Very interesting meme. And don't forget - these members of Congress are the very same people who are working diligently to keep the rest of us OUT of work by refusing to pass a Jobs Bill. Jerks, and well-paid, well-compensated jerks at that. They have NO problem wasting the taxpayers' money, like the millions they have wasted trying 40 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which is something that would actually BENEFIT their constituents and most Americans (it is the wealthy who are self-insured that will end up paying penalties - not the rest of us). Think about that for awhile, and then don't forget to vote the obstructionists out in 2014.  Personally, I LOVE that insurance companies can no longer deny to cover a PRE-EXISTING CONDITION and they can no longer stop paying for your care just because you hit their lifetime cap or what THEY think is more than they should have to pay for one person.   Only the congressmen and women who are beholden to the INSURANCE INDUSTRY rather than the American People are trying to squash Obamacare.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Freedom of Religion REALLY Means

As a practicing Christian, I understand why this is so, and also understand why this is necessary. Not everyone believes the same way I do, and they are NOT required to, either. We have freedom of religion in this country, and that means, we are ALL free to practice ANY religion we so desire, and/or NO religion whatsoever, and the government can't do a thing about it. And that is a VERY GOOD thing.  By supporting the rights of others to practice as they believe, I am ensuring the same right of religious freedom for myself.  

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The NEW Republican Party

"Child Nutrition

Every child should have enough to eat. Good nutrition is a prerequisite of a healthy life. We must focus our resources on feeding needy children. The present school lunch programs provide a 20 percent subsidy to underwrite the meals of children from middle- and upper-income families."

It was because of things like The 1976 Republican Party Platform on Child Nutrition that I joined the Republican Party as an 18-year-old. Sadly, the party I believed in and campaigned for is long dead and gone. It has been taken over completely by the 1% who are only interested in increasing their own profits by sending jobs overseas, hiding their money in tax havens to save them from paying their fair share of taxes, and writing laws that benefit wealthy corporations and screw over the rest of us. They would just as soon the children of struggling parents starve as do anything that might cut into their own bottom line.  Shameful. Today, the G in GOP stands for GREED.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Happens When We Fail The Lessons of History

It's very sad when we don't make an effort to teach our children about the things, and especially the struggles, that came before. They don't understand how tenuous all of the advances of the last 50 years truly are and realize that they MUST stay vigilant and fight for what is right. Corporations have become far more powerful and far more greedy than they were when workers and indeed most Americans had to rise up against them for our voices to be heard and to insist on decent wages and benefits. Sadly, our own children are allowing and sometimes even helping the wealthy destroy all of our hard-fought advances because our young people have taken these advances for granted instead of understanding that they were precious things to be protected, not ignored.

Monday, May 27, 2013

What War on Women? THIS War.

Blaming the victim of rape is unconscionable regardless of her age, but to blame a CHILD for her own rape?  UN-friggin'-believable.  And at the same time, I'm supposed to believe that the Republican "War on Women" (and on girls, apparently) is all a figment of my imagination?  Oh, I don't think so.  Keep it up, guys.  You do realize, don't you, that women are the MAJORITY in this country (there are 7 million more of us than you), and even though you have so many women bamboozled with your B.S., many of us know full well what you're up to, and we aren't about to let you get away with it.  You think we were loud and obnoxious in the 70s?  Hang on, sweetheart, cuz you ain't seen nothin' yet.

This blog post by Emily L. Hauser regarding Facebook and hate speech against women is excellent.  Please take the time to read it in its entirety if you are a consumer and a woman, or if you are a consumer who cares about women.  It illustrates perfectly how women are viewed as "less than," by society in general, and by Facebook in particular in this instance.  Very informative and eye opening.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No, the 2nd Amendment Does NOT Guarantee Unfettered Access to Firearms to Any Tom, Dick, or Harry Who Wants One

Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, both gun owners, have started an organization that is working toward the eventual enforcement of sane gun laws, including universal background checks.  Let's get real here:  Most proponents of the Second Amendment only quote the first part, and conveniently forget about the second - you know, that pesky thing about it being "well regulated."  What is happening in our country right now is anything but.

Here's what I had to say about it on Facebook a couple of weeks ago:  "This gun owner is proud to support Gabby's efforts toward sensible gun control (and, in case you're completely deluded, NO, that doesn't mean confiscating everyone's weapons, sheesh).  I absolutely unequivocally support UNIVERSAL background checks on ALL gun sales and doing much more to make sure those who legally shouldn't have a weapon (violent felons and the mentally ill), can't get them.  I also think that gun safety should be mandatory - especially after seeing SO many right-wing gun enthusiasts' photos on FB that demonstrate quite clearly that many people have NO friggin' clue how to safely handle a weapon.  It makes me ill.  IMNSHO, responsible gun owners MUST speak up.  If we don't, we're not any better than real Christians who refuse to speak out against the hateful unChristian actions of the Westboro Baptist Church."  My post received over 230 likes from people who aren't even on my friends' list, and over 50 replies, many of them from like-minded gun owners.

I'm going to give just two examples of out and out stupidity regarding guns that I have witnessed on Facebook.  I posted both and asked for responses from my friends, many of whom are also gun owners.  I have to say that I was sorely disappointed - because not a single one would dare speak up to denounce these blatantly stupid and irresponsible incidents involving guns.  I grew up literally out in the boonies, and my father took great pains to teach each of his kids how to shoot, and shoot well, but even more importantly, he taught us about gun safety and responsibility.  For that, I will be forever grateful - because while we have always had guns in our home, we have never had a mishap or horrific accident due to improper storage or handling of weapons.  The very FIRST thing he taught us was to NEVER, EVER, EVER point a gun at anyone or anything, even if it wasn't loaded and even when just carrying it, so as to not shoot someone accidentally if we tripped, etc.  When we carried a gun, we made sure that it pointed toward the ground - always.  The ONLY exception was if we intended to fire it - in which case we would lift up the weapon and point it toward where we intended to shoot, after first checking our surroundings to be sure that nothing would be entering the path of the bullet.  Also, we never kept loaded weapons in our home.  It is nye on impossible to shoot someone accidentally if you keep your weapon unloaded and store the clip outside the gun.  Anyway, back to the photos on Facebook that I was talking about.  The first one was a "family photo" of a young woman holding a baby, who in turn was holding a revolver in its little hands - with the barrel of the revolver in the baby's mouth.  WTF?  Seriously?  What is the matter with people? This is a tragedy waiting to happen.  And what in hell was going through the mind of the person who actually TOOK the photo?  Did they think the picture would depict both of them as being cute?  clever?  funny?  badass? or just what?  What they WERE being was f*cking dumb - both the woman in the picture and the person behind the camera - and to me it illustrates perfectly why background checks are needed every single time a gun changes hands; not everyone is mentally fit enough to own a gun.  I don't care how much you want to strongly defend the Second Amendment to the Constitution - to condone the irresponsible behavior of this woman is reprehensible.  And if you fail to speak up when you see a wrong being committed, yes, you ARE condoning it.

Another picture that really bothered me was one of a little girl, probably 5 or 6, sporting a pretty pink rifle slung across her back - with the barrel of her gun pointing UPward.  Again, WTF???  That's a good way to get someone else shot in the chest or face - especially since we hear almost daily about adults shooting themselves accidentally with "unloaded" guns.  The time to teach our children safe gun handling is before we even let them touch one for the first time.  Just as with the other picture, this depicts a tragedy waiting to happen.  I honestly had no idea that so many adults are seemingly unschooled in the proper and safe handling of weapons, and that they in turn are passing that along to their children.  Yikes.

I know there are thousands upon thousands of other responsible gun owners who feel the exact same way I do, including many card-carrying members of the NRA.  It is past time for all of us to make a stand and insist that something is done to stem the carnage that has been happening in this country at the hands of people who should never have been able to obtain a weapon in the first place.  The very first order of business should be abolishing the "gun show loophole," that allows states, like Utah, to ignore background checks completely on every gun sale taking place at said gun shows.  The entire purpose behind this particular loophole is to get around background checks.  To insist otherwise is ridiculous and disingenuous.

If you're a gun owner, and even if you're not, and you are interested in helping Gabby and Mark in their efforts, check this out: .

Friday, May 17, 2013

The REAL IRS Scandal

Contrary to what one hears from Fox "News" and other conservative outlets, there were only three (3) entities denied tax-exempt status last year - and all three were LIBERAL women's organizations.  Now that Citizens United has opened up a full-scale assault by conservatives trying to purchase our government, it is time to scrutinize ALL tax-exempt entities, INCLUDING churches, and revoke the status for any and all of them (regardless of political affiliation) that are not fulfilling the requirements for tax exemption. Easy peasy.  I mean, honestly, how many of us actually believe that the Republicans are doing ANYTHING that could be remotely titled "SOCIAL WELFARE?"  Yeah.  Knowing how vehemently opposed they are to all things that might be deemed to be even remotely similar to socialism and how vehemently opposed they are to welfare (EXCEPT for the rich), I venture to guess that it is highly unlikely that these tax-exempt entities are doing anything at all that might fit the description of "social welfare," which is exactly how they are getting the tax-exempt status in the first place.   Any of the entities applying for tax-exempt status who are then found to have lied on their application need to be fined significantly for wasting taxpayers' money to research the validity of said application.