Friday, May 17, 2013

The REAL IRS Scandal

Contrary to what one hears from Fox "News" and other conservative outlets, there were only three (3) entities denied tax-exempt status last year - and all three were LIBERAL women's organizations.  Now that Citizens United has opened up a full-scale assault by conservatives trying to purchase our government, it is time to scrutinize ALL tax-exempt entities, INCLUDING churches, and revoke the status for any and all of them (regardless of political affiliation) that are not fulfilling the requirements for tax exemption. Easy peasy.  I mean, honestly, how many of us actually believe that the Republicans are doing ANYTHING that could be remotely titled "SOCIAL WELFARE?"  Yeah.  Knowing how vehemently opposed they are to all things that might be deemed to be even remotely similar to socialism and how vehemently opposed they are to welfare (EXCEPT for the rich), I venture to guess that it is highly unlikely that these tax-exempt entities are doing anything at all that might fit the description of "social welfare," which is exactly how they are getting the tax-exempt status in the first place.   Any of the entities applying for tax-exempt status who are then found to have lied on their application need to be fined significantly for wasting taxpayers' money to research the validity of said application.

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