Sunday, June 30, 2013

The NEW Republican Party

"Child Nutrition

Every child should have enough to eat. Good nutrition is a prerequisite of a healthy life. We must focus our resources on feeding needy children. The present school lunch programs provide a 20 percent subsidy to underwrite the meals of children from middle- and upper-income families."

It was because of things like The 1976 Republican Party Platform on Child Nutrition that I joined the Republican Party as an 18-year-old. Sadly, the party I believed in and campaigned for is long dead and gone. It has been taken over completely by the 1% who are only interested in increasing their own profits by sending jobs overseas, hiding their money in tax havens to save them from paying their fair share of taxes, and writing laws that benefit wealthy corporations and screw over the rest of us. They would just as soon the children of struggling parents starve as do anything that might cut into their own bottom line.  Shameful. Today, the G in GOP stands for GREED.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Happens When We Fail The Lessons of History

It's very sad when we don't make an effort to teach our children about the things, and especially the struggles, that came before. They don't understand how tenuous all of the advances of the last 50 years truly are and realize that they MUST stay vigilant and fight for what is right. Corporations have become far more powerful and far more greedy than they were when workers and indeed most Americans had to rise up against them for our voices to be heard and to insist on decent wages and benefits. Sadly, our own children are allowing and sometimes even helping the wealthy destroy all of our hard-fought advances because our young people have taken these advances for granted instead of understanding that they were precious things to be protected, not ignored.